Wednesday, September 30, 2015

TeeSpring | Selling T-Shirts Risk Free can be a very fun way to make money online, mainly because it doesn't require much time and is free unless you choose to market it.  If you're good with Photoshop, I highly recommend this for you.

Crowd funding is becoming a very successful way of raising money risk free nowadays, and that's just what Teespring does.  The goal is to create a design for a shirt that sells.  This might seem easy, but you need to have a good design to succeed.  To make money, you will need a good niche. Luckily, I will be sharing with you the highest paying niche's currently on Teespring.


  • Nurses
  • Bikers
  • Divers
  • Truck Drivers
  • Feminism
  • Family
  • Trends
Trends are always a great niche, just keep up to date with what's trending on twitter and other social media, have a great design idea and you might be on your way to making money.

I created this design in an attempt to tip a profit, but I wasn't successful so if anyone would like to use my design, feel free to do so. (Signing up using this referral link would be great, too) Also, if you do use the design and you are successful, please leave a comment because I would love to hear about it!

If you can use Photoshop or another photo editing software, use it.  Simply finding a design online and maybe rewording it or sprucing it up can actually work very well. If not, you can either use the Teespring T-shirt designer (Not recommended), or if you're confident enough with your design, you can get someone to design it for you through (By clicking that link you actually get a free gig when you sign up under my referral)

This, along with the design, is what determines whether or not your shirt will sell.  There are many, many different ways to go about this, I have listed some below.

Facebook Groups - A good marketing strategy is to find facebook groups that are based around your niche, and post a comment on one of their posts with the link to your shirts, as well as a picture. This doesn't generate too many sales, but it definitely helps.

Forums - Choosing a niche that you are actively involved with in a forum can be a huge help.  If you have unlocked the ability to have a signature under your posts on a forum, post a short message about your shirts and include the link.  Also, create posts or comments on another posts advertising your shirt, but do not spam or you might get banned.

Facebook ads - This method works the best, but also requires a startup investment.  If you choose this method, be sure you have a good design that even you, yourself, would consider purchasing.  Create Facebook ads with a max amount of $20.  If you don't get any sales with the $20, it's probably best to try a different design.

That's up to you.  If you have the time or the money to generate sales through advertising, do not hesitate to do so.  In the end, it all comes down to the execution and the dedication.  If you don't give up, you will see a profit eventually.  

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